Mid-August Running: A Playlist
Running mixes pose considerable challenges for music fans. For even the most musically omnivorous, the desire for that reliable jolt of adrenaline is a gravitational pull that seems to land all running playlists in the same heap of well-worn jock jams.
As someone who has spent the summer aspiring to run both every morning and to go farther than usual, the sameness of “running music” becomes a more acute problem. Kanye and Kendrick, you’ve been my reliable companions on the running trail for years now, but… well, we just need some time apart. But, at the same time, “play me an hour of obscure deep cuts” said no runner ever.
So, lately, I’ve been trying to find the right balance. A mix of well-known hits with a sprinkling of surprises to help me not feel that I’m trapped on the proverbial musical treadmill.
Here’s my latest running mix, and the first playlist I’m sharing here. Hope y’all enjoy it. I’m about to head out on a week of vacation on which I aspire to be nearly tech-free, but more music (and music-inspired ideas) to come soon.